Building in progress - Working in Public
Yes, I decided to keep this article in English.
I don't know why but I always loved it. And it may sounds odd as I'm a French native speaker but the truth is that, yes, I honestly often think in English.
This new website is what it claims: explor-actions. It works in both languages. So posting sometimes in english is also part of the exploration ;-) I'll see where it gets me and decide what to do accordingly, but after living the experiment, not before.
That being said, as you can surely guess this brand new website is just getting started. I have great ambitions for it, but also like to start slow, one step at a time and see where it goes.
In the process, I decided to try the concept of :
Working and learning in public
That's why I decided to leave this post published at first, to acknowledge the truth about what it is: a work in progress!
I will definitely tell you more about the concept and what I intend to do about it! In the meantime please be patient, things will be up and running here shortly, but you can subscribe if you'd like to stay up to date and receive updates when new content is published!
If you don't speak english or understand any of what I said before, please just send me an email or comment, I'll be pleased tell you everything!
Although I'm aware that if you don't speak english, you'll probably don't understand this last advice neither 😅
It's a bit of a paradox I know, but I also want to keep some fun and sarcastic blend of english & french humour here. I told you I was ambitious
Ok now that we had some fun, I'll say it French ;-)
Oui j'ai décidé de volontairement poster cet article en anglais !! Je prendrais peut-être le temps de le traduire entièrement un jour, mais en attendant si tu n'as pas tout compris et que tu veux quand même avoir en savoir plus, envoi un email et je me ferais un plaisir de te raconter tout ça !!
Cheers. Euh, à bientôt !